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  • Writer's pictureEmma Claire

Sacred Sundays: Full Circle

December was the big crescendo. My first finals week amped up my anxiety, my social life started picking up speed, and new opportunities were presented to me. December was a time to focus on myself, not in a retreating way like in November, but in the tying up loose ends way. It was the close of one chapter and preparation for the next and now I am here somewhere in the midst of it all.

This month started on a high. I had just come back to school from Thanksgiving break and got to reunite with the new lifestyle that I hadn't been apart from in months. Being away from all of my college friends, the freedom, and the independence so abruptly was hard, but it made me appreciate how far I had come even more upon my return. I never really thought I would be able to go to my dream school and accomplish half of what I have by now, but I made it and couldn't be more grateful. I made some of my favorite memories during this time. December sure was one to remember.

With so many highs going on this month, my memory likes to falter the late nights and early mornings I spent in the library studying for my very first finals week. Luckily, as a double English major, stressful exams are a thing of the past, but the amount of presentations, projects, and portfolios I put together this month was insane. Coming out of it all, I feel so accomplished with what I was able to do in my first semester. I wrote four short stories and submitted two to my campus literary magazine. I finally made it to a point where I am proud of what I have done and even more excited for what the future may hold.

Coming home again after just a short bit back was hard, but I was determined not to waste it. I didn't want to fall back into old habits again, so I knew I had to make a change this time around as I would be coming home for the longest time since high school. I deep cleaned my room and rearranged it unrecognizable. I felt like a new person again. With the end of 2022 approaching, I knew this cleanse was important so I could leave behind old habits and embrace new routines. I started waking up earlier, following a routine, prioritizing skin care, and doing little things that made me happy.

This new version of myself that I am growing into after shedding the old layers is kind, strong, and confident. I decided that this was the best time to try new things while I had the opportunity to. I signed up for primary recruitment for greek life at my college which is a sentence I never expected myself to say, but here I am trying new things. I am actually more excited than ever to join a sorority and think it will benefit me a lot despite my previous contrary beliefs. I guess I really am reinventing myself and trying new things in this new year.

The holidays are always the perfect time to take a step back and see how far you've grown in a year with the new year right around the corner (click here for my 2022 reflection blog post). Reuniting with family and updating them on my life since the last time I saw them was a really nice opportunity to reflect. I have grown so much this year, but even just within this past month.

Thank you for reading this December's Sacred Sunday and I will see you all at the end of January to see just how much my goals for the new year stick around.

-Emma Claire

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